Monday, August 22, 2011

My First First Day of Classes!

Today was my first first day of classes! I only have two more first day of classes, and then I'm done with law school and off to the real world! I'm guess I should back up and slow down for a few moments though, so that I won't get to ahead of myself. However, I'm sure I made it quite clear that I am quite excited about classes beginning!

This post will be very short considering the dozens of pages that I have to read, the four cases I should brief, and the short essay I will have to edit this evening. Needless to say, I had a delightful first day of classes today! I really, really did! I woke up at 5:30am, got dressed, ate some breakfast, and had four classes and quite a few interesting conversations. I'm quite excited about the rest of this semester and the rest of my law school career for that matter. My only hope is that the cases and readings continue to intrigue this mind of mine. 

Now, many of you know that I typically have a moral or take-away each time I write. This time I'll say this: Just because something seems too difficult, too nerve-wrecking or beyond your reach doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try! You may be surprised. Matter of fact, you may surprise yourself and even the others around you! Plus, you'll always get an A+ for effort in my book! Set goals! Be optimistic! Encourage others! And be encouraged! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Such a Splendid Spontaneous Summer Social Soiree

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting about twenty of my fellow law school classmates yesterday evening. From the onset, however, it seemed as though our soiree was going to be a failure.

Being the first to arrive at our planned location, I naturally became fearful that no one would show up. After all, this was a spontaneous event created by a few of us anxious incoming law students, hence the use of the word in the title. By 6:30pm after sitting at a table drinking lemonade alone for nearly ten minutes, I was nearly overcome with nervousness. Outwardly, I'm sure that I appeared quite normal, but inwardly, I was full of doubt. No one was early except for me. The thunderstorms would probably keep everyone indoors. Maybe no one really wanted to come anyways. I even began planning when I could give up and go home. If no one shows up by 6:45pm, then maybe I should just leave. I'M SO GLAD THAT I DIDN'T!

After a few moments of panic, the first of my classmates arrived. Within the hour, many of us were sitting in a large circle laughing, connecting, and forging friendships that I know will grow much stronger over the years. At some point, mid-conversation, it became apparent that about 90% of our group hadn't eaten dinner, and well, if you know me, you know exactly what I did! I excused myself and walked right into a widely known restaurant a few blocks away. Once inside, I asked the hostess if they had enough seating capacity and available staff members to handle such a large group. She said yes!!! In no time we all happily walked over together to restaurant. The live music was pleasant. The food was delicious! The company... the company was even better.

As a result of yesterday's events, knowing that I've made some good decisions in my life and some not-so-good decisions in my life, I'm almost certain that this decision was a great one!

For those who are counting down with me, orientation is in three days and classes begin in a mere eight days! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Bunch of Apples or The Apple Bunch?

THE PIE IS FINALLY FINISHED! I attempted to let it cool, but that didn't go so well. (As a means of passing time, I even re-wrote the lyrics to the Brady Bunch theme song. That only took about five minutes though.) Since then, I've eaten a slice... or two, and I can honestly say that the pie is delicious! It's a wonder why I have never baked a pie before. I've always loved to bake. Matter of fact, I learned to bake long before I learned how to cook, and yet somehow I've never baked a pie... until today!

In a way, successfully making this apple pie makes me think on the days to come when I will be able to cook large family meals. Oven baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, string beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, hot-water cornbread, and mama's apple pie! Yes, siree! I can picture that... I can almost taste it... 

So, what's your favorite type of pie? 

Here's the recipe that I used - Mama's Apple Pie. I followed the it fairly closely, except for a few minor changes, i.e., the use of brown sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and nutmeg. 

The Brady Bunch An Apple Pie
Here's a story of a bag of apples,
that this lady did not like that much at all.
The skin of them was gross,
quite like plastic.
They weren't good apples at all.

Here's a story of a girl named Lisa,
who was wondering what she'd do with those apples.
There were six left, 
in the 'frigerator,
And they sat all alone.

Till the one day when this lady had an idea! 
And she could not just let it sit and die!
So she went right,
to the grocery store,
And bought things for a pie!

An apple pie! 
An apple pie!
That's the way she agreed to make a pie!

My latest discovery

Unfortunately, all people are not considerate. Fortunately, not all people are inconsiderate.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Less Than Two Weeks Away!!!!!!!!!

It's August 6, 2011 already! Unbelievable! That means that there are only a few days left of my summer. On the seventeenth I will take one of the largest steps that I've ever taken in my life! It'll be one small step for me and one giant leap for mankind! (cue dramatic music

In all actuality, whenever I think about the big picture of my life and the lives of those of whom it will impact, it makes me happy... beyond happy! Unfortunately, for every action there is a reaction and for every good thing, there's usually something that's not so good.

Briefing hundreds of cases? Not so good. Sleeping an average of five hours a day? Probably even worse. Reading for about seventy-five hours a week? Heartbreaking! Changing the world like my best friend and many of us other Oberlin alums plan to do? Priceless! (Feel free to view my best friend's blog "Operation Change The World.")

I know that many of you wondering whether I am really ready for law school? The short answer to that question would be yes. The long answer would be, "Well, it seems like I have so much to do before classes begin. I have already been assigned readings not only for the first day of classes, but also for the first day of orientation! I feel so unprepared. Time has become my greatest enemy! I have yet to go grocery shopping! I barely read one-fourth of the books on my summer reading list because I was working fifty hours each week. I haven't bought a new dress for orientation day, which is a must-have! Plus, I've been sleep deprived for a good portion of the summer. Despite all of these things, I wouldn't have it any other way! I've had a surprisingly enjoyable summer. More importantly, I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with several amazing individuals. I know what receiving this law degree means to me, my family, my future, and all of those who are connected to me, whether they are living here on Earth or looking down on me from heaven. Classes don't begin tomorrow, which means I have time. The little time that I do have will be well spent. I may not necessarily feel ready for law school at this present moment, but once the curtains are drawn, the show will begin and I will be ready for my closeup!"

P.S. I was rather sleepy while writing this post. I may think twice before doing that again. I have a tendency to become really silly when I need rest.