Saturday, November 12, 2011

Changes To Come Soon!

November is a distressingly busy month for many first-year law students, myself included. My to-do-list is a mile long and those crazed exam jitters are finally looming freely. Nevertheless, just when I had determined that the list couldn't grow any longer, I added yet another thing - making drastic changes to my blog!

I thought for quite some time about the information I'm able to obtain and share. I also contemplated the various groups of people with which I could share that information, and I've come up with a wonderful conclusion. I'd like to help high school students find their path to higher education! I might be in law school now, but since I just graduated from college in May, I'm not too far removed from the undergraduate application process. Not to mention, I have a pamphlet that I wrote and distributed as a college freshman to those who were curious as to how I was offered over $500,000 in scholarships. So, I have a basic outline of certain materials and advice that I'd like to cover.

I'll still be one step closer to the real world, but my hope is to assist others in making substantial steps in their lives as well, especially students from underrepresented communities and those who are unable to retrieve such information easily. For now, I'll give you all a preview of some of the topics that I will cover:
  • Slow and Steady Wins the Race - Small Scholarships and Their Importance 
  • Using the Internet in Aiding Your Application Process
    • Common Application 
    • Fastweb 
    • CollegeBoard 
    • Questbridge
    • Gates Millennium Scholars
  • Demystifying Application Fee Waivers
  • Paper Forms and Typewriters 
  • Organization - Charts Are Charming and Storing is Scoring 
  • To Be Or Not To Be - Narrowing Down Your College List
  • Understanding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 
I think that's a pleasant preview of the topics that I will be discussing in the near future! Until then, I'm going to get back to my Property Law outline. If you have any suggestions as to other subjects that you'd like me to cover, feel free to leave a comment! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Define Weekend!?

If I were to ever create a Dictionary for the Incoming Law Student, the very first word that I might define would be weekend

Various dictionaries have different definitions for the word weekend. Almost all of them, however, will display a common theme of leisure, respite or rest. It's possible that you too may agree that weekends should be a time of rest and relaxation. Nevertheless, many law students have personally experienced that such definitions are gravely inapplicable to us! 

In order to mitigate the extreme errors found in the common definitions of the word weekend (and to simply provide comic relief to my classmates who are currently reading on a Saturday night), I've decided to create a few of my very own definitions! 

weekend (wēkˌend), n. The period of time allocated for reading, briefing, researching, cleaning, outlining, memorandum writing, sleeping, or otherwise relaxing when classes are not in session for a limited time under which there is unfortunately not enough time to complete even half (½) of the aforementioned tasks. 

weekend (wiːkˈɛnd), n. The days of the week that are akin to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, except that in lieu of an absurd amount classes and meetings, one has an absurd amount of work to complete in preparation for future classes and meetings. 

weekend (week-end), n. An urban legend similar to unicorns, mermaids and leprechauns in that it is spoken of, but neither seen or actually experienced. 

How would you define weekend?  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Short Poem I Wrote While Studying

Today has been a wonderful day, despite being quite uneventful! I woke up this morning around 8:00a.m. and have been reading ever since. I had no idea, however, that I'd be inspired to write a peculiar, little poem this evening. The inspiration may have come from a discussion that I had about Dr. Seuss in my Criminal Law course earlier this week. In any event, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you A Short Poem I Wrote While Studying!

The month of September begins with the letter 's'

And I must confess,
It's the time for me to keep studying.

The month of October begins with an 'o'
And well, who knows,
Maybe it warns me of when to begin outlining.

The month of November begins with an 'n'
And you see my friend,
It's intuition that tells me then to be nervous.

For the month of December begins with a 'd'
And a D, you see, is not passing or good.
No, that grade would do a disservice!

So, I'll sign out of my blog and continue to log the info I need to form case briefs!
And stand on the belief that I'll find some relief when I get rest and sleep come 10:30.
And I'll happily seek to plan for holiday weeks after I complete all of my tests,
But until then, I'll continue to read, continue to smile and do my best!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Bit of Advice Before Bedtime

Today has been a heart-wrenching, unending day for me! While preparing for for bed this evening, I discovered something that's quite mind boggling to me: I typically read and analyze cases twice as much as I sleep.

If only I felt comfortable reading cases more quickly, then I most certainly would. Unfortunately, I'm sure that whizzing through cases would do much more harm than good simply because I would not remember, understand or internalize any of the material. So, what do I plan to do? Well, I'm going to rest for a little while and wake up with a fresh start to a brand new day!

Trying to stay motivated isn't easy, but there are things that may make it easier. Here are a few tips that I used to stay motivated:
  • When frustration begins to hinder me from comprehending material, I stop reading! I relax, eat dinner, and/or take a nap if I have time. Later on, I go back to the assigned task. Returning to readings that may have initially seem overwhelming to me tend to appear a bit less daunting the second or even third time around. 
  • I also reward yourself after meeting or exceeding the goals that I've set. For completing an assignment or two, I may reward myself by not doing any reading outside of class the next day or by even taking a well deserved nap. For surviving a long, arduous week, I may go bowling, salsa dancing, or skating. One thing that I try not to do though is reward myself when I don't deserve it. It may seem trivial or cliche, but it works for me. 
  • I smile a whole lot! Even when I'm upset, exhausted, or disappointed, I try to keep a smile on my face. There's a quote that says, "Life is a mirror; we get the best results when we smile at it." Sometimes a simple smile helps me feel better about whatever situation I'm in. It reminds me that no matter what is going wrong, I still have something to smile about!  
I think that's it for now! I should get some rest. If I haven't told you yet, thanks for visiting my blog! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Inspiration Arises

Sometimes I observe the way that people handle situations, and I cannot help but wonder why they feel grouchy instead of grateful. Inspiration arises as a result, and I occasionally turn to Twitter, my favorite place to create string of quotes that no one will ever read, retweet, or care about. Well, tonight I'll share them in another way! I'll share them on my blog, and maybe, just maybe someone will be inspired! Here are a few of my favorites: 

  • Be grateful for the rain, both literally and figurative, for perseverance grows like a rose.
  • When you think that you should wait before taking a leap of faith remember, time won't wait. Don't wait until it's another missed opportunity. Don't wait until it's too late.
  • Happiness is not something that you find. It's created. It's like planting a seed & then reaping what you've sown! Plant kindness! 
  • If you don't like what you see in the mirror, you've got two choices. You can change what you see physically or you can change what you see mentally. One of these choices is simply and cost-effective. 
  • When you see life taking you down a direction that you don't want to go, turn around. You don't have to take that detour.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Every Day Isn't Dandelions and Apple Trees

Today has been the most difficult day I've had as a law school student. I haven't had time to synthesize last week's materials. My readings for this week are most definitely piling up. (In other words, I have roughly six hours of reading to complete for Tuesday alone.) I'm also having quite a bit of trouble finding relevant sources for one of my most important early assignments. My work ethic is working against me. My motivation seems to have gone down the drain. Nothing has gone smoothly all day and, as always, time is not on my side. 

Am I angry? No. Am I frustrated? A little. Am I worried? Absolutely not! 

Chemists, who hold dear the teachings of Isaac Newton, agree that, "For every action there is an equal and opposition reaction." Grammy award winning singers Mary Mary remind us that, "We all need a little dirt to grow." When problems arise in our lives, no matter how great or small, it's important to stay encouraged and continue to do our best. Every day isn't dandelions and apple trees. Matter of fact, some days can be more like ferocious lions and bumble bees! Nevertheless, it's hard to appreciate the good things in your life if you never have a few hardships. It's during those times that it becomes important not to give up, but to take baby steps. You can still get where you want to go! Just keep walking! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

My First First Day of Classes!

Today was my first first day of classes! I only have two more first day of classes, and then I'm done with law school and off to the real world! I'm guess I should back up and slow down for a few moments though, so that I won't get to ahead of myself. However, I'm sure I made it quite clear that I am quite excited about classes beginning!

This post will be very short considering the dozens of pages that I have to read, the four cases I should brief, and the short essay I will have to edit this evening. Needless to say, I had a delightful first day of classes today! I really, really did! I woke up at 5:30am, got dressed, ate some breakfast, and had four classes and quite a few interesting conversations. I'm quite excited about the rest of this semester and the rest of my law school career for that matter. My only hope is that the cases and readings continue to intrigue this mind of mine. 

Now, many of you know that I typically have a moral or take-away each time I write. This time I'll say this: Just because something seems too difficult, too nerve-wrecking or beyond your reach doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try! You may be surprised. Matter of fact, you may surprise yourself and even the others around you! Plus, you'll always get an A+ for effort in my book! Set goals! Be optimistic! Encourage others! And be encouraged! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Such a Splendid Spontaneous Summer Social Soiree

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting about twenty of my fellow law school classmates yesterday evening. From the onset, however, it seemed as though our soiree was going to be a failure.

Being the first to arrive at our planned location, I naturally became fearful that no one would show up. After all, this was a spontaneous event created by a few of us anxious incoming law students, hence the use of the word in the title. By 6:30pm after sitting at a table drinking lemonade alone for nearly ten minutes, I was nearly overcome with nervousness. Outwardly, I'm sure that I appeared quite normal, but inwardly, I was full of doubt. No one was early except for me. The thunderstorms would probably keep everyone indoors. Maybe no one really wanted to come anyways. I even began planning when I could give up and go home. If no one shows up by 6:45pm, then maybe I should just leave. I'M SO GLAD THAT I DIDN'T!

After a few moments of panic, the first of my classmates arrived. Within the hour, many of us were sitting in a large circle laughing, connecting, and forging friendships that I know will grow much stronger over the years. At some point, mid-conversation, it became apparent that about 90% of our group hadn't eaten dinner, and well, if you know me, you know exactly what I did! I excused myself and walked right into a widely known restaurant a few blocks away. Once inside, I asked the hostess if they had enough seating capacity and available staff members to handle such a large group. She said yes!!! In no time we all happily walked over together to restaurant. The live music was pleasant. The food was delicious! The company... the company was even better.

As a result of yesterday's events, knowing that I've made some good decisions in my life and some not-so-good decisions in my life, I'm almost certain that this decision was a great one!

For those who are counting down with me, orientation is in three days and classes begin in a mere eight days! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Bunch of Apples or The Apple Bunch?

THE PIE IS FINALLY FINISHED! I attempted to let it cool, but that didn't go so well. (As a means of passing time, I even re-wrote the lyrics to the Brady Bunch theme song. That only took about five minutes though.) Since then, I've eaten a slice... or two, and I can honestly say that the pie is delicious! It's a wonder why I have never baked a pie before. I've always loved to bake. Matter of fact, I learned to bake long before I learned how to cook, and yet somehow I've never baked a pie... until today!

In a way, successfully making this apple pie makes me think on the days to come when I will be able to cook large family meals. Oven baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, string beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, hot-water cornbread, and mama's apple pie! Yes, siree! I can picture that... I can almost taste it... 

So, what's your favorite type of pie? 

Here's the recipe that I used - Mama's Apple Pie. I followed the it fairly closely, except for a few minor changes, i.e., the use of brown sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and nutmeg. 

The Brady Bunch An Apple Pie
Here's a story of a bag of apples,
that this lady did not like that much at all.
The skin of them was gross,
quite like plastic.
They weren't good apples at all.

Here's a story of a girl named Lisa,
who was wondering what she'd do with those apples.
There were six left, 
in the 'frigerator,
And they sat all alone.

Till the one day when this lady had an idea! 
And she could not just let it sit and die!
So she went right,
to the grocery store,
And bought things for a pie!

An apple pie! 
An apple pie!
That's the way she agreed to make a pie!

My latest discovery

Unfortunately, all people are not considerate. Fortunately, not all people are inconsiderate.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Less Than Two Weeks Away!!!!!!!!!

It's August 6, 2011 already! Unbelievable! That means that there are only a few days left of my summer. On the seventeenth I will take one of the largest steps that I've ever taken in my life! It'll be one small step for me and one giant leap for mankind! (cue dramatic music

In all actuality, whenever I think about the big picture of my life and the lives of those of whom it will impact, it makes me happy... beyond happy! Unfortunately, for every action there is a reaction and for every good thing, there's usually something that's not so good.

Briefing hundreds of cases? Not so good. Sleeping an average of five hours a day? Probably even worse. Reading for about seventy-five hours a week? Heartbreaking! Changing the world like my best friend and many of us other Oberlin alums plan to do? Priceless! (Feel free to view my best friend's blog "Operation Change The World.")

I know that many of you wondering whether I am really ready for law school? The short answer to that question would be yes. The long answer would be, "Well, it seems like I have so much to do before classes begin. I have already been assigned readings not only for the first day of classes, but also for the first day of orientation! I feel so unprepared. Time has become my greatest enemy! I have yet to go grocery shopping! I barely read one-fourth of the books on my summer reading list because I was working fifty hours each week. I haven't bought a new dress for orientation day, which is a must-have! Plus, I've been sleep deprived for a good portion of the summer. Despite all of these things, I wouldn't have it any other way! I've had a surprisingly enjoyable summer. More importantly, I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with several amazing individuals. I know what receiving this law degree means to me, my family, my future, and all of those who are connected to me, whether they are living here on Earth or looking down on me from heaven. Classes don't begin tomorrow, which means I have time. The little time that I do have will be well spent. I may not necessarily feel ready for law school at this present moment, but once the curtains are drawn, the show will begin and I will be ready for my closeup!"

P.S. I was rather sleepy while writing this post. I may think twice before doing that again. I have a tendency to become really silly when I need rest. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

No, Not Homesickness - GROCERY SHOPPING!

For those who keep up with me on other social networking sites, you've probably noticed that I've been mentioned my hometown quite a bit lately. I'm slightly homesick. (NOTE: Slightly homesick should not to be confused with homesick. There's a enormous difference!) Earlier this week, I began writing a blog post about being homesick; however, it became rather depressing. I figured that since there is already more than enough saddening stories reaching news headlines, magazine articles and political discussions worldwide, then I should always strive to blog about fun things, happy times, and good news. (I may occasionally post something distressing, but I'll be sure to point out the silver lining as well! I promise.)

I mentioned all of that as an introduction to the new topic of my current blog post. It's about grocery shopping, a topic of which many of us are familiar! I can remember standing on the back of the grocery cart while my mother whisked me through the store aisles as a child! I can even remember the few times when my mother made me sit in the large basket of the grocery cart whenever I was sick or sleepy. Back then, grocery shopping was akin to an amusement park! It had rides (the cart), lots of people, and candy! For me, grocery shopping is just as exciting now as it was back then, but for different reasons of course. Today, grocery shopping is exciting, first and foremost because it means that I've been blessed with money to buy food! Everybody loves paychecks, gifts, and blessings, right? Secondly, I get to meet new, interesting people! (Now, understand that I don't go to the grocery to meet people, but I typically leave with a smile on my face from some wonderful conversation that I had with a cashier or customer. Yes, I've acquired the habit of speaking to people while waiting in line. My father should be the one to blame for this. If you know him, then you know exactly what I mean. I love you, dad!) Finally, seeing as some things never change, candy and snacks is another reason why I get so excited about grocery shopping!

I didn't want to spend much money on this trip, and I'm working on eating more healthily. As a result, I didn't get any candy this time around, but I did grab a few snacks to enjoy for the next few weeks. Hiding behind the container of jelly is a carton of ice cream! I LOVE ICE CREAM! Ice cream can be purchased while grocery shopping, which means I LOVE GROCERY SHOPPING TOO! Hence, for future references, if you're going grocery shopping and you want a bit of company, ask me to go with you! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disc Golf and Other Things

Have YOU ever heard of disc golf? Well, I didn't know about it until Sunday afternoon. 

Three of my new friends here in Illinois asked me whether I wanted to join them in a game of disc golf. I didn't understand what game they wanted me to play - mainly because I thought the were saying diskov, which isn't a word in the English language - but I went anyways. When we arrived at the field, I saw a sign that read "Disc Golf." It wasn't until then that I knew the actual name of the game. We drew sticks to pick teams fairly and began. My teammate and I ended up losing horribly. By the time the game was halfway over, we were so far behind that it would have been nearly impossible to catch up. I did get to see a toad though Since I've never seen a toad before, it kind of delayed the game for a few minutes. Overall, I learned a lot about the sport, and I figured out why I've never drawn sticks or straws before. Rock, paper, scissors is much better‼‼

Here's a small list of a few other things that I learned this week: 
  • Google+ is great The hangout feature on this site is utterly amazing
  • I really enjoy both of the jobs that I have right now.
  • I'm excited to begin law school next month. I'm even more excited to write case briefs, which is a bit weird.
  • I really, really, really like grapefruits. I think that it may be because they remind me of my grandmother. She used to eat occasionally when I was a little girl.
  • The month of July is whizzing by rather quickly.
  • Trying to understand the motives of another person is the equivalent of trying to fly a hot air balloon with cold air. It's useless and will most likely be a big waste of time. It's usually better to simply be open and hope that that particular person will tell you the truth.
  • I should take my own advice more often‼‼‼

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Cookie That Drove Me to Tears

There I stood gazing out of a window from the thirty-eight floor of one of the tallest, most beautiful buildings in the Windy City. Below me were hundreds, no, thousands of strangers, many of whom I would never meet. Beside me were a handful of law students with whom I had just become acquainted. In my right hand was a cookie, a delicious, half-eaten M&M's® cookie. It was the first one that I can remember eating in well over a month. I stared down at the cookie happily, fully understanding all that it symbolized, and burst into tears‼

My recent trip to Chicago was more than another networking adventure or a business trip. It more accurately represented a glimpse of my future reality - a reality, that before last weekend, had not been clearly visible to me. Over the course of the weekend, I was introduced to some of the most prominent lawyers, judges, and legal scholars that reside within this nation. I was able to engage in conversation with many of them during panel discussions, mentoring sessions, and unimaginably delightful meals. One meal in particular gave me the feeling that I was long-lost princess finally returning to the place that she'd be arduously searching for for so many years. Simply put, I will never ever forget the experience that I had in this particular restaurant. After tea and drinks were provided for myself and the other attendees, restaurant servers walked amongst us carrying dainty hors d'œuvres on fancy, wooden boards. Following the starter course, our hostess welcomed us into a separate display area filled with a plethora of soups, salads, and bread selections. Later on during the meal several chefs began to circle the dining room offering various samplings of their prized creations. As a means of describing just how unique and wonderful this dining experience was, I consulted with two of the servers in order to comprise the following list: 

Fire Grilled Ribeye
Wagyu Beef
Spit Roasted Leg of Lamb
Curry Lime Red Snapper
Amaretto and Pistachio Duck Breast 
Linguica Pork Sausage
Asian Pork Belly 
Bottom Sirloin 
Moroccan Chicken 
New Zealand Venison

The aforementioned foods were the tableside samplings that were provided during the main course , along with some of the most additively yummy spinach dip and other small dishes.  I sampled each one of the meats except for the pork belly and venison. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly eat another bite, dessert was served. Charming little cheesecake squares, brownie bites and other pastries filled the center of each table. My taste buds were overwhelmed‼‼

Now, why I'm sharing this story? Well, I may not be a philanthropist at the moment, but I can definitely donate my time and a few encouraging words. Many people agree that, "Hard work pays off." Yet, there are so many others that are not willing to put in the hard work necessary to realize such a worthy payment. Education, in my opinion, is one of the best routes to success‼ The wonderful thing is that as long as there is breath in your body, then it is not too late. Ken Wilde, a Holocaust survivor, received a master's degree in history at age eighty-six. His inspiring story should do exactly what it is set out to do - inspire‼ Hopefully, my story will inspire as well. 

(It's also worth noting that I do not mind editing essays, helping with resume writing, or sharing my perspective. Whether that be tonight or years down the road, I will try my best to make time for what's important. Someone helped me, mentored me, and advised me. With each step that I take I am one step closer to doing the same thing for someone else and making a larger impact in my community. That's what it's all about‼‼‼)

Friday, July 1, 2011

What Happened to June?

"IT'S JULY‼‼??‼?‼??‼"

That's the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up earlier today. Panic ensued shortly afterward.

I have yet to make plans for the Fourth of July. Training for my second job will begin next week! My first business trip is less than two weeks away‼ The first bills I've ever paid will be due this month!!!! LAW SCHOOL WILL BEGIN NEXT MONTH‼‼‼‼‼‼‼ AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼

Can someone please tell me what happened to June? Did two or three weeks of the month of June somehow get misplaced? Will July speed by in a similar fashion? Will I have enough time to read all of the books on my book list before the summer ends? Will I be well-rested by the time classes begin?

I most certainly don't have the answer to all of these questions, but there is one question that I can do my very best to answer affirmatively. I can try my hardest to be well-rested by the time August 17, 2011 rolls around. I think that I may even start a new goal - to get at least fifty-five hours of sleep each week until orientation begins. I know what it's like to start the semester off on the wrong foot. Once you're behind, you're always behind... or at least it seems that way‼ Sleep is more important than most people think. It's also one of those things that many of us take for granted. Science tells us that getting an adequate amount of rest reduces stress, improves memory, reduces the chance of diabetes, and helps one to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system - all of which could benefit me in both the long term and short term. Therefore, this new goal of mine will take effect immediately‼‼ In other words, goodnight everyone‼‼‼

Thursday, June 30, 2011


My birthday was earlier this week! That's right! My birthday! Not to mention, it was my first birthday in Illinois. I initially expected to spend my celebration of birth alone in my apartment watching movies and being bored, but my new friends here saw to it that I enjoyed every moment of my big day! By the end of the night, I was crying tears of joy simply because they all cared so much about this new stranger from Virginia. (There aren't many Virginians around  here.) 

If you're curious, here's how my birthday turned out. I woke up bright and early after getting a birthday phone call from one of my sisters. After talking with her for a little while, I decided to stay awake and get dressed for the day. It came as such a surprise that one of my cherished Oberlin friends contacted me from Europe only a few moments later. He wished me a happy birthday and told me that I'd be receiving a postcard in the mail really soon. Since I hadn't spoken to him since mid-January, the simple gesture helped me to be a bit more optimistic about my birthday. 

It just so happened that a new friend of mine joined me for lunch. I ate a tasty stir-fry meal with rice, broccoli, carrots, pineapples, green beans, a dozen other yummy foods. Shortly after lunch, I went to work, which was also surprisingly fun. Every since the summer of my ninth grade year in high school, I have been so blessed to work at the most wonderful places with the most fun-loving people. Spending the day at work on my birthday wasn't any different. Actually, being with my co-workers ended up being one of the highlights of my day. Once our work was complete, many of us went to sing karaoke as a way of celebrating my birthday and bonding outside of the office. I can proudly say that I have no voice today after performing, encouraging others, and singing for nearly three hours. Three songs were dedicated to me - the birthday girl - even from complete strangers. I ended up singing Respect by Aretha Franklin and Ain't No Mountain High Enough. All in all, we had so much fun that we may make karaoke night a summertime tradition, but only time will tell. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Presenting My Oreo Song‼‼

After viewing the results of my recent poll, I decided to place my song on Youtube. There are quite a few surprises in the final video. It just goes to show that Niga Higa and GloZell are two of my favorite people on YouTube.

Hopefully, you all will enjoy watching the video just as much as I liked making it‼‼‼‼

Milk Jug Update - 09/05/11
For those who may like to know, the company that packages this brand of milk in my area recently changed the location of the expiration date! I no longer have to worry about rubbing the date off and wondering which date the milk will actually expire!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Blog Post Inside of A Blog Post

If you have visited my blog before this morning, then you've probably noticed quite a few changes. In other words, I've become addicted to widgets‼ It seems like there's a widget for everything. It's pretty exciting for blogger like myself. Here are a few of my favorite additions:
  • A poll for all of my visitors
    • I personally think everyone should be apart of this big decision that I have to make - putting my Oreo song on Youtube.
  • A lovely bookshelf widget
    • Please don't forget to leave me book recommendations‼‼
  • A couple of Twitter widgets
    • Yes, I've rejoined Twitter. Now that summer is in full swing, I have a bit more time on my hands. Leisure reading and social networking are two fun ways for me to spend my free time. Well, those things as well as catching up with friends and family... Wait a minute, that's social networking too, isn't it? In any event, if you're worried that everything I do revolves around reading words on a page or screen, fear not‼‼ With the other free time that I have I also sleep, cook, jog, and socialize with the wonderful new friends that I've made here. A great example is the neighborhood ice cream social that I went to the other day. It was surprisingly pleasant‼ Initially, I thought that the event would be rained out, but it wasn't, which was fantastic. While at the social I had the chance to meet many of my neighbors, none of which I had known beforehand. I just thought I'd share that... Now, back to the topic of discussion. If you have a Twitter, then you should most certainly follow me, especially if you were one of my followers four scores and ten years ago.
P.S. I love lists‼

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Whole New World of Articles!

For the past few days, I've been reading books, watching tutorials, and browsing articles way into the wee hours of the morning. The various articles that I've been reading tonight have been so intriguing, that I've decided to share them all. Here's a short list of all of the tabs that I have open in my browser at this very second:
Well, I hope that you enjoyed taking a peak into my nightly adventures. Each adventure is different. Last night, I read a few chapters of a Debbie Macomber book and a few passages of scripture before going to sleep. It's just so very refreshing to read. I guess as time goes on, my reading will focus more on legal matters. So, it's probably fantastic that I'm already getting interested in such things already.

For those of you who would like recommendations for fiction or non-fiction books, let me know I've read some great things over the course of the past few months.

Enjoy your slumber, everyone‼‼‼‼‼

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Do You Think?

A few friends of mine said that I should record and release my Oreo song to the world on Youtube Have you heard my Oreo song before? What do you think I should do? 

Please answer using the poll located on the right‼‼

Monday, June 13, 2011


Growing up, I didn't like most fruits and vegetables. When I say most, I don't mean a little over half either. I didn't like about 70% of all fruits and vegetables Really‼‼ I had my first real salad as a freshman in college and my first strawberry just last week (Although the list of foods below may make it appear as though I ate plenty of fruits and vegetables prior to college, do not be deceived.  After all, potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes aren't the most healthy vegetables on Earth and they're still on the list.) So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I'd like to present a list revolving around my fruit and veggie expansion

Bananas, cauliflower, plums, coconut, eggplant and a variety of other fruits and veggies will one day make their way onto this list as well. For now, I'd only like to reflect on how far I've come...

Have you eaten a healthy portion fruits and veggies today?

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Best

What a day I've had! Let's see.... today I've been chipper, extremely sad, overburdened, overjoyed, overwhelmed, super Southern (if such an adjective exists), confused, annoyed, hopeless, satisfied, hurried, prayerful, worried, embarrassed, giggly, talkative, scared, determined, helpful, etc... I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Overall, the good outweighed the bad. Today was a fantastic day, although it didn't start out that way. 

My job hunt went terribly today. I guess you could say that it was so bad, that I don't even want to talk about, let alone blog about it. Speaking of jobs, another thing that really upset me today was my visit to an institution that shall remain nameless (simply because I think that's good etiquette). I wanted to open up an account near campus today so that could set up direct deposit in the near future. That didn't go so well. After wasting about thirty minutes, six branches of a tree, and quite a bit of ink, I left the building in the same state that I arrived in - without any type of account set up here. My day quickly turned around though.

A new friend of mine - that I randomly met last week - invited me to eat dinner with her and her friends tonight. I accepted my invitation and was asked to bring delicious bread for dipping! Once I made my way to the correct address and stepped through the threshold, I knew from that moment on that I was going to have a great evening. A wave of spices in the form of a tasty aroma floated in my direction! The entire first floor must have smelled so rich and savory! One of my new friend's friends was in the kitchen stirring a pot of southern stew flavored with Mexican pork. He turned around, waved me inside and the evening of laughter, stories and deliciousness began. Long story short, I intended to eat dinner with only three new friends, but I ended up making six more my the time I left! The best part of this story is that I'll get to enjoy their company again tomorrow! We have an entire schedule of things all mapped out, but I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Words of Encouragement: Many of my days remind me of the phrase used to describe the month of March - they come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. Whenever you feel like your day can't get any worse, do your best to stay positive. Your day can most certainly get worse, but it can also become a whole lot better, especially if you work toward making it a better day. Could you imagine what would have happened if I would my invitation to dinner tonight simply because I was in a bad mood? 

When life give you lemons, grab a little sugar, a few quarts of water and mix up a pitcher of lemonade! Make the best of what may seem like the worse, and remember, someone would love to have your bad days!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It Feels Like Christmas!!!!!!!

Don't let the title fool you It is about 93℉ outdoors right now. So how else could it possibly feel like Christmas? Well, the answer is simple. I'm unpacking‼‼‼

I've gone about one full week without many of my belongings. The only thing that I brought with me when I came to Illinois was one suitcase and a small carry-on bag. Yup, that's it I haven't cooked in over a week because I didn't have any cookware. I didn't have any of my hair supplies, so my hair has been pretty dull and dry. I haven't been able to wear a different pair of shoes, because there was no space for extra shoes in my one piece of luggage. So, today feels like Christmas Every time I open a box another surprise is lurking behind the walls of tape. 

MY BUSINESS CARDS Oh, how I've missed these Job hunting without a small stack of business cards was not the most pleasant. MY BACHELOR'S DEGREEI only got to see my degree for about an hour before placing it in an old, stuffy box. Surely, such an expensive and meaningful document didn't deserve such negligence. It's finally able to breath. THE BOOK THAT I WAS READING I wondered what happened to that Debbie Macomber book that I was reading. I love her books All of them Of course I haven't read them all, but I have read at least two dozens of her novels. It almost unbelievable that I went without her books this long. They're usually the only thing that keep me company when I go out on dinner dates... by myself. Tonight when I get a bite to eat, I don't have to sit at a table alone sending text messages to fill the void. I can read‼‼‼ It's great to be able to have almost everything that I need right at my fingertips now. 

A big, heart-filled thank you to everyone that helped me move It was definitely a team effort From the people that helped me pack, to the lovely, wonderful, amazing people that shipped me everything, to the two new friends of mine who helped me pick up my packages - THANK YOU‼‼‼‼ Your help will not go unnoticed and your kindness will not be taken for granted

So Exactly What Are You Doing Right Now?

That seems to be the magic question for me now-a-days Graduating from one college and immediately moving to another college twelve hours later isn't exactly something that students do regularly; so I can understand why some of my friends and family members may be a bit perplexed. Hopefully, this post will shed a bit of light into those gray areas.

I am pretty sure that surviving my first year of law school will be no easy task Completing my first year of law school while balancing grades, a part-time job, and participation in a few organizations will prove to be even more difficult. That being said, when I was trying to decide what to do this summer, I knew that I didn't want to do something that would be strenuous or stressful in any respect. I am pleased to announce that my plan is working I've been fairly relaxed for the past week.

I have two jobs here on campus doing things that I love to do - meeting new people and communicating with constituents via the telephone. When I'm not at work, I'm able to continue to do things that I love - explore the neighboring cities, watch films on Netflix, and sleep Being able to take unexpected naps in the middle of the day is one of many blessing that this summer has offered me

In a way, I'm kind of hibernating right now. For the remainder of the summer I hope to conserve my energy and brain power as I recuperate from the past four years of intense essay writing, sleepless nights, and final exams. By orientation I should be refreshed, well-rested, and ready to take another step closer to the real world.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Inner Alarm Clock

Friday . . . 7:25a.m.
Saturday . . . 6:54a.m.
Sunday . . . 7:57a.m.
Monday . . . 7:38a.m.
Tuesday . . . 7:14a.m.

Every since I moved last week, I have not been able to sleep past eight o' clock in the morning, and it's not for lack of trying. Last night I went to sleep at about 3:30a.m. in hopes of waking up a little later this morning. That didn't work either

I have yet to figure out what has caused the appearance of my new inner alarm clock. At first I thought that it may be as a result of moving to a new time zone. However, I only moved one time zone over, and before relocating I most certainly was not waking up before 9:00a.m. every morning. An older friend of mine said that at a certain age, the body creates it's own "work clock." So, although I don't have a job that requires me to wake up this early, one day I will and my body knows that all on it's own. Consequently, it will become habit for my body to wake up without an alarm. I guess I could believe that. My mother has never used an alarm clock for as long as I can remember, and she's always on time for work.

Does the body simply revert to it's own sleep schedule at a certain age? Could it be the change in time zone? What do you think?

Monday, June 6, 2011

What's In A Subtitle?

Next City? Next Goal? Next Step?

Does such a subtitle have the potential to accurately describe the current road upon which I traverse? In simplest terms, yes, it does

To begin with, I am in a brand new city‼‼ Coming to Illinois has been a wonderful, yet occasionally difficult experience, e.g., my constant inability to make phone calls in my apartment. Luckily, I've already encountered some equally wonderful people here who have been able to help me with my transition. I haven't even been here a week, and I know that I'll be able to comfortably call this place home soon enough.

So about that next goal. I actually did have a goal in mind when I added those words to the subtitle of my blog. Generally speaking, my next goal is to obtain a Juris Doctor degree within the next three years. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, maybe not, but when considering other extremely arduous circumstances through which I preserved; this next goal seems much more feasible to say the least. 

Now how could I possibly explain that next step? I guess that next step can be best described as more of a series of small steps. Matter of fact, it may even correspond more closely to a dance, seeing as many of those steps will not continue along a linear path. They will be more like a dance or a performance. Just like in every performance, once the final steps have been made and the curtain has been pulled, life still goes on, but something has changed. That performance is over. Once it is over, a new focus with new steps and a new routine will emerge. You could say that now I'm taking my own steps, creating my own dance and getting ready to give my curtain call in only a few short years. Once the crowd stops applauding for me at my next commencement ceremony, I'll be One Step Closer... to the Real World.